
Cookbooks as Social Commentary

I Like Food, Food Tastes Good serves as a social commentary on food consumption moires in the US. And so, even though it is a cookbook, I count it as valuable reading material. As a catalogue of the tastes of Indie bands it highlights some of the differences between patterns of eating in both meager times and times of plenty. While many of the combinations and offerings are, er, interesting... the creative uses of food, and the fetishes around what constitute home are detailed both in the write-ups about the recipes and, perhaps most tellingly, in the instructions themselves. There is humour here as well, and indeed some oddly cannibalistic recipes (Eddie Vedder Chili? Tim Curry? um, ok) As a cookbook it is somewhat suspect - I'm not certain that I would actually want to try most of the recipes, but as a snapshot of a specific cohort's approach to food it makes for engaging reading.

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